The social networking sites can make money.?

KickApps is a social network of 80 starting with a seat in a loftlike space just off Fifth Avenue in New York. "Mini-Facebooks" with a total of 300 million page views per month - less than two years, the underlying structure of more than 20,000 social networking sites has created. You've probably never heard of him.

KickApps receives only a fraction of the media coverage of a giant like Facebook, but growth was quite impressive that venture firms like Spark Capital and Prism Venture Works saved with $ 18 million in seed money, in hope of reward for a monster IPO. Its software products enables organizations to quickly implement social networks with many features of Facebook or MySpace. Their clients - including radio stations and local newspapers, national networks like NPR and ABC, and brands such as Autobytel, Harley-Davidson, and Kraft - want the fans a place to meet and their love for a team the product or anything else to share.

KickApps CEO Alex Blum, former JumpTV, an online television service that specializes in sport. "We have 35 programmers working in this office," said Blum, who "and we only have two marketing people. I do not really sell our product, "a reporter through a sea of ​​desks and flat screens.

The social networking sites

Like most social networking sites has grown huge, KickApps provides its products, hope that the communities around that will generate advertising revenue. It is a model that memories of the dotcom bubble first wakes up: Building the customer base and hope the money comes - from an IPO, acquisition and display. At this point, KickApps does not reveal sales figures or even cut this type of advertising you below. It also bears in mind: minimum stay has always been a sign that there is not much to say.

Many users, a few dollars

Social networks are the fastest growing activity on Web 2.0 - the abbreviation for the new user-centric works on the Internet, where any change in public, all the others, if it is an encyclopedia entry or a photo album. The growth of social networking is astounding and has led to other sites of all sizes are more open to a platform (see "Who owns your friends?") Are interwoven to spread. Even small players in the height of shoots.

Ning, for example, is similar to KickApps but is for people. Founded in 2004 by former Netscape's Marc Andreessen and Gina Bianchini analyst at Goldman Sachs, he claimed $ 104 million in venture capital from a variety of companies, including Legg Mason. "We have 267,787 pages," boasted Bianchini in May "and we'll add 1500 to 2000 a day." ComScore, a company that measures Internet use, reports that the Ning domain where all the houses, sees three million unique visitors per month.

Meanwhile sees Bebo, a social networking site more popular abroad than in the U.S., more than 22 million monthly visitors. (AOL bought $ 850 million in March.) Club Penguin, a network for children sees five million. LinkedIn, a business networking site, gets nearly five million visitors.

But that's just the smaller players. Facebook, according to comScore, the latest research results saw 33.9 million unique U.S. visitors in January 2008, almost double than last year in January (but 2 percent in December 2007). MySpace Facebook has doubled again, with nearly 72 million unique visitors that month.

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